
Book Review: Dare Me by Megan Abbott

Dare Me by Megan Abbott.jpeg

In Dare Me we meet a group of cheerleaders, they are around 16 years old. Captain Beth and her loyal co-conspirator Addy seem to run the squad. Their old coach has moved away and they are meeting their new coach for the first time. The squad seems to love the new Coach, all except for Beth. When Coach begins an inappropriate friendship with Addy, Beth is teeming with jealousy. Addy is thrilled by her new friendship with Coach. Addy seems the type who wants to attach herself to someone new when the opportunity presents itself. This isn't the first time that Addy has stepped out on Beth. Though Coach's attention on Addy is completely inappropriate even for a 27-year-old, I understand that a 10 year difference in adulthood doesn't seem like much but even a 2 year difference is adolescence is a world of difference. 

When Addy and Beth catch Coach having an affair on school ground. Beth is delighted to have leverage. While Addy is delighted to have a secret to share with Coach. The story begins to spiral out control, Addy is witness to something that is way beyond her maturity. She is pulled between who to believe Beth or Coach. 

This was a strange one. On one hand, I feel that Abbott has a great hold on teenagers. I found the behavior and vernacular to be completely believable. Maybe thats due to her being a professor at NYU. I found a lot of the story to be believable, but I really did not care for Addy, and being that she is the narrator, that's a tough spot to be in. Addy felt empty and undeveloped, that may be the point, however, it took me out of the story. 

I suggest reading the last few chapters slowly, I was so caught up in what was happening that I had to read it twice to fully understand the ending. 

Favorite quote: 

"I never gave anything to anyone before. not like this. 

I never was anything to anyone before. 

Not like this. 

I never was, before. 

Now I am.  "

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